Policies and Procedures
Dear Chahta-lma Families,
As principal of Chahta-lma Elementary, it is my pleasure to welcome everyone back for the 2024-2025 school year. We are all excited to have students back on campus filling our hallways with laughter and an enthusiasm for learning. It is our hope that all Chahta-lma students feel welcomed, loved, and part of our school family.
Our faculty and staff work together to Challenge, Inspire, and Educate Every Day. We know that if we all partner together to support our children, we can give each child the power to reach his or her greatest potential.
This handbook was created to inform you of our school expectations, procedures, policies, rules, activities, and other important information. We hope that this information will be useful to you and your family throughout the school year. Please take time to read this handbook as well as the St. Tammany Parish School Board Discipline Policies and review both with your child.
We encourage you to be involved in your child's education both at school and at home. Joining our PTA is one valuable way to be involved. Our Chahta-lma PTA supports our children in many always. Research shows that children perform better in school when parents and guardians are involved.
Chahta-lma is a Title I school, and because of this, our school receives additional funds from the Federal Government to better meet the needs of all of our students and CIE families. We have many effective academic programs, new technologies, and so many other benefits funded through Title l. Families are invited to take an active role in Title I Parent Family Events and the School Improvement Plan decisionmaking process. We greatly encourage all families to give us input on these significant components. We encourage you to join our monthly PTA/Title I Meetings in which you can play an intricate role in decision making and having a voice in your child's education.
Please visit our school website at http://chahta-imaelementary.stpsb.org to learn more about Chahta-lma and for current events and information. You can also learn more about our school district at the St. Tammany Parish School System website at http://stpsb.org.
We are looking forward to a great new school year. If you have any concerns, questions, suggestions, or comments at any time this year, please do not hesitate to call the school (985) 882-7541 or email me directly at Alexandra.Herquesodowd@STPSB.org.
Dr. Ali O'Dowd,
- Chromebooks
- PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support)/Discipline Plan
- Birthdays
MISSION STATEMENT - At Chahta-Ima Elementary, we, as a community, strive to build positive, nurturing relationships that promote leadership and foster a motivated love for learning.
School Motto - Learning Today for a Better Tomorrow
- Chahta-Ima is a high-quality elementary school committed to the pursuit of excellence in education.
- Our purpose is to develop life-long learners and contributors to society by educating students through engaging instruction every day.
- It is the responsibility of parents and the entire community to promote learning and provide a safe environment for all students.
- Educators are leaders and role models who build positive relationships, provide engaging learning experiences, and guide students to success in life.
- Student engagement is the key to learning.
- Engaging instruction is meaningful, challenging, and meets the needs of all students.
St. Tammany Parish School System Shared Beliefs: We believe that:
Our vision is to provide an exemplary school system, widely respected for high standards and first rate performance and for outstanding student achievement. In this system, public schools are valued and supported and a strong partnership exist between educators, students, families, and the community to help ensure that:
- students have safe, caring environments for learning;
- students are positively challenged, enriched, and inspired
- students learn to be self-motivated and life-long learners, prepared for life's pursuits; and
- students learn to be responsible and contributing members of a global society.
SHIRT - Forest/Hunter Green or Gold (with or without the school approved logo, no other emblems or logos)
- T-Shirt
- Polo Style Shirt with 2 or 3 Buttons
- Turtleneck
- Long Sleeved Sweatshirt
- CIE Spirit Shirts can be Worn Daily
PANTS/SKIRTS - Uniform Style Khaki (tan shades - no emblems or logos)
- Pants
- Skirts
- Shorts
- Jumper
Chahta-lma T-Shirts and spirit shirts are available for purchase through the PTA. Order forms will be sent home at the beginning of the school year and will be available in the office after that time. Please visit or call the office with any uniform questions.
*In addition to our Chahta-lma uniform policy, all students must follow the St. Tammany Parish School Board Dress Code found in the St. Tammany Parish School Board Discipline Policy Handbook.
Morning arrival procedures begin at 8:00 am. Any arrivals after 8:30 AM will need to report to the office with a parent or guardian to be checked-in and will be considered tardy. Please walk students to the front reception desk of the school, check them in and they will receive an admit slip to give to their teacher. All campus visitors must park in the front of the school, away from the bus lane, and check in at the front reception desk.
Tardiness – When students arrive after the day begins at 8:30 am, they miss important information and routines that begin everyone’s day. It is best practice for your child to be on time and start the day with their classroom teacher and peers.
A written excuse signed by the parent must be presented to the office for the tardy to be excused. Tardiness will be excused for the same reason as absences. After the 5th tardy, the school will notify parents/guardians the school will notify parents/guardians through a letter that outlines the consequences resulting from the tardies.
Please DO NOT drop children off before 8:00 am. Supervision for students by duty teachers begins at 8:00 AM.
If a student eats breakfast in the cafeteria, he/she should go directly to the cafeteria upon arrival. If a student does not eat breakfast, he/she should go to the designated area for recess. Students should not go to a teacher’s classroom before school, as there is not any adult supervision in the classrooms from 8:00 am – 8:30 am.
On Fridays, we will begin the day together as a school community in the gym for Morning Meeting. Morning Meeting starts at 8:30 am. It is important that all students are at school on time to participate in Morning Meeting. Any student who arrives after 8:30 is considered tardy and should sign in through the office. Families are also welcome to attend Morning Meeting, following visitor check-in procedures. If your child will be receiving an award or recognized for being a leader you will be notified so that you can attend the morning meeting and enjoy this moment with your child.
The school day officially ends at 3:31pm. Students will be dismissed to carline and buses starting at 3:31pm. Parents and guardians will not be allowed to check their child out after 2:45pm. This rule was made in order to keep our students safe and our campus orderly during dismissal procedures.
On half-days, dismissal is at 12:31 pm. Students will be dismissed to carline and buses at 12:31 pm. On half days, parents and families may not check their children out after 11:45 am.
School attendance is imperative, not only to satisfy the requirements of the law but to help ensure student achievement and success. Every missed day of school is a missed opportunity to learn.
As per state policy, St. Tammany Parish Public schools are responsible for enforcing the following requirements:
- Students are expected to be in attendance during every student activity day scheduled by the St. Tammany Parish School Board.
- Schools must administer attendance regulations in accordance with state and locally adopted policies.
- Elementary students may not miss more than ten (10) days of non-exempted excused absences, unexcused absences, and/or suspensions per year. Students in grades K-8 who miss more than three (3) hours of instructional time during the school day will be considered absent for the entire day.
- Students participating in school sponsored activities/field trips that necessitate their being away from school shall be considered to be present and shall be given the opportunity to make up work.
Excuses for all absences must be presented in writing to the school principal or designee within two (2) days of the absence. The note must include the student's full name, days of absence, reason for absence and/or doctor's verification, parent/guardian signature and date of signature. Failure to send the note will result in the student not being able to make up missed coursework.
In elementary through junior high school, when a student accumulates seven (7) absences, which include non-exempted excused, unexcused, and/or suspensions, notification will be made to the parents/guardians. After the tenth (10) absence which includes non-exempted excused, unexcused, and/or suspensions, the school will notify parents/guardians through a letter that outlines the consequences resulting from the absences.
Please refer to the STPSB handbook for more details on the absence policy.
Tardiness - When students arrive after the day begins at 8:30 am, they miss important information and routines that begin everyone’s day. It is best practice for your child to be on time and start the day with their classroom teacher and peers.
Early Check Out – Students who become ill, injured during the school day, or who have some other family emergency, will be dismissed ONLY to a custodial parent, legal guardian, or a person authorized in writing by the parent. Office personnel will initiate the checkout procedure by checking the student’s emergency card for the name of authorized persons and checking the identification of the individual checking the student out. A person who is not on the emergency card cannot check out a student unless the office receives written permission from the parent or guardian. The office will follow up on this with a phone call to the parent/guardian. The front office will not call for a student to check out of class until the authorized person is present.
Students being checked out must have an excused reason for checking out. If a student is checked out before half of the school day is over, an unexcused half-day absent will result. Checking a student out without a warranted excuse can have a detrimental effect on academic performance.
If a student returns to school on the same day after being checked out, he/she must be accompanied to the office to sign in.
For the safety of the children, parents are asked to refrain from picking up children between 2:45pm and 3:31 pm. Parents or guardians may not check their child out after 2:45pm. This is extremely important for the well-being of all students. If you have a question or concern regarding this policy, please contact the principal.
Bus - Buses unload and load in the circle at the front of the school. Parents must write a note to the office to receive temporary permission to ride a bus other than the one that is assigned to the student. The note should include the child's name, the name of the driver and bus number, the date(s) of the change, the drop off address, a parent's signature, and contact number. Students who live outside of Chahta-lma's school district cannot use the school's bus transportation.
The school bus provides a convenient service for the students. Students may enjoy visiting quietly, talking in a low (normal) voice with friends sitting in the same seat. Remember to be completely seated facing forward, keeping hands and feet to self. Additionally, refrain from eating on the bus, be courteous to other students, and respect the bus driver at all times. This will provide a safe trip to and from school.
The following steps will be followed for inappropriate behavior on a school bus.
- The driver will provide verbal or nonverbal direction.
- The driver or administrator will refer student for modeling and practice time.
- The driver or administrator will conference with parent by phone.
- The driver will complete a Louisiana Department of Education Bus Behavior Report.
If inappropriate behavior persists, the student may be suspended from all bus privileges. The driver will complete a Louisiana Department of Education Bus Behavior Report for any major offense.
School administrators reserve the right to adjust disciplinary action to fit the infraction at any time. The goal is for each child to ride to and from school safely in a positive atmosphere. If you have any questions or concerns about bus transportation, please contact Administration.
A parent/guardian/ adult must be present at the student's bus stop in order for the student to be dropped off by the bus driver. This is for safety purposes and is followed strictly. If no one is present at the child's bus stop at the time of drop-off, transportation will be notified as well as the school, and the student will be returned to the school.
Duty teachers are assigned to supervise the carline area before and after school. To ensure the safety of our students, please help us by following these arrival and dismissal procedures.
- Students are to be dropped off before school and picked up after school at the west end of the main building (car rider area). This is the only area where students are allowed to be dropped off or picked up.
- Children may be dropped off beginning at 8:00 AM. No one is on duty to supervise your child before that time.
- Once you have come to a complete stop, and a duty teacher is present, your child may open the passenger side door.
- Students will only be allowed to exit from the passenger side door.
- Do not get out of the car for any reason.
- While waiting in carline, please refrain from blocking the gate to the parking lot and leaving your vehicle to pick up your child. Please be considerate of those who have been waiting in line by going to the end of the carline when arriving - do not get in front of someone who has been waiting in the line.
- Dismissal time for car riders is 3:31 PM. Please be prompt when picking up your child.
- Please be courteous of our neighbors on Pichon Road, and do not block their driveways.
Children and faculty members are all given STPSB ID badges at the beginning of each school year.
STPSB ID badges are made using the student’s latest J-Pams photo.
The ID badge is property of STPSB and replacement badges will be given at the parent/guardian cost of $5.
If the lanyard or ID clear pocket breaks please let your child’s teacher know so a replacement can be given.
Faculty member badges should be worn and visible at all times when on campus.
Student badges should be attached to school bags for transportation purposes and the safety of students on campus.
Parents/ guardians can download the Edulag application on any mobile device and sign-up for live student tracking when on STPSB transportation.
Louisiana law stipulates that:
Children between birth and 1 year old, or weighing less than 20 pounds, must travel securely fastened in a rear-facing infant safety seat or convertible safety seat.
Children between 1 and 4 years old, or between 20 and 40 lbs, must travel while facing forward in a convertible seat (also known as a combination seat) that is fitted with an internal harness.
Children between 4 and 6 years old are required to ride in a backless or high-backed belt-positioning booster seat.
Children over the age of 6, or over 60 lbs, must wear a lap-shoulder belt or be secured in a belt-positioning booster seat.
Children have to be 13 years or older in order to ride in the front seat of a car.
Smoking is prohibited in any vehicle when there is a child under the age of 13.
When driving in a school zone or a school campus, it is a hands-free zone, so cell phones should not be used while in carline/driving on campus.
Any changes in transportation must be sent in writing to the teacher each day there is a change in transportation. Please include your child's name, teacher's name, grade, date, the message with details of the change, and parent/guardian's signature.
Please be reminded that the back parking lot of the school is reserved for employees.
New Students - The following items are required for student registration:
1. State Certified Birth Certificate
2. Proof of Residency
3. Social Security Card
4. Health Record of Required Immunization
5. Report Card, Records from last School, Special Education records (if applicable)
6. Assignment Letter (if applicable)
7. Custody Papers (if applicable)
**Any legal documents concerning custody or other legal issues concerning a student must be brought to the office for documentation.
Please notify the school when you know that your child will be withdrawing or transferring. A withdrawal form will be processed. All outstanding library books and textbooks must be returned and all outstanding fees paid (cafeteria, library, lost book fees, etc).
Please contact the school secretary in the office with any questions about withdrawal/registration procedures.
Each student is given a supply list at the beginning of the school year. Students are expected to bring school supplies to either Meet and Greet or the student's first day of school. It is also the responsibility of the student to replenish school supplies as needed throughout the school year. If you are having a difficult time providing the requested school supplies for your child, please contact your child's teacher.
Textbooks issued to students are the property of the St. Tammany Parish School System. Students are expected to take good care of their books. If a student loses a book(s), he/she must pay the cost of the book(s). There will be a fee(s) assessed for all damaged books.
All toys, games, and personal items should be left at home. If a personal item is confiscated at school, the item will be secured by a school administrator and will be released back to a parent or guardian. This also includes electronic devices. Cell phones may be brought to school but must be left off and contained in students' book bags or pockets, please see STPSB district guidelines. If cell phones are turned on or are visible, cell phones will be confiscated.
The Implementation of the Chromebook program is to provide tools and resources for our students. Chromebooks are issued to every student like a textbook. Students are to use their Chromebooks for academic uses only. Students are responsible for the general care of their Chromebook. It is STRONGLY recommended that all students purchase Chromebook insurance. Chromebooks that are broken or fail to work properly are to be reported to the teacher. The Chromebooks are managed by STPSB. Any strategy used to circumvent security settings including removing the device from the domain is a violation of policy and may result in disciplinary action and loss of use. Students are not to use external removable devices such as USB drives or flash drives.
General Precautions and Care:
Insert and remove cords and cables carefully.
Do not remove the case or cover issued by STPSB.
Keep Chromebooks free of stickers, writings, or drawings that are not the property of STPSB.
Close the Chromebook on a flat surface after checking that nothing is on the keyboard to prevent closure.
No food or drinks near the Chromebook.
Do not put heavy objects on the Chromebook or drop objects on it.
Do not remove or interfere with the identification placed on the Chromebook by STPSB.
Use only your fingers to touch the keyboard or screen.
Use only a soft, dry microfiber cloth or anti-static cloth.
The hinge of the screen will only open to a slight angle. Do not attempt to open the screen beyond this tipping point as the screen will break if forced.
2. Consequences:
The privilege of having a Chromebook comes with new responsibilities and new consequences. Violations can have the following consequences:
Parent notification;
Suspension of network, technology, or Chromebook privileges;
Complete loss of Chromebook;
3. Accidental Damage vs. Negligence/Intentional Damage:
Accidents do happen. There is a difference, however, between an accident and negligence or intentional damage. The price the District paid for the Chromebook includes the Chromebook and charger. An investigation by the school administration will be conducted. If the Chromebook is deemed to be intentionally or neglectfully damaged by the student or someone else, the student may be subject to discipline and/or the cost of the repair or replacement.
4. Student Device Damage Coverage Program:
STPSB offers a Student Device Damage Coverage Program for all participants in the Chromebook program. Parents or guardians who do not purchase the Student Device Damage Coverage, WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF ALL REPAIRS AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF THE DEVICE. It is STRONGLY recommended that all students participate in the Student Device Damage Program.
***Lost or stolen devices are ot covered under the Student Device Damage Program. A police report must be filed for the student to be issued another device in the event of theft.
All students will receive free lunch for the 2024 - 2025 school year.
Menus – Menus will be sent home monthly and will be posted on our school website: http://chahta-imaelementary.stpsb.org.
Visitors – The cafeteria will be open to visitors/parents/guardians for lunch only after October 2, 2023. We ask that only adults attend lunch with students please do not bring other siblings or children to the cafeteria. Please send a note to your child’s teacher letting them know that you will be joining the class for lunch. We ask that you send a note so that our café staff can prepare enough food for all parents visiting that day. In order to keep our children safe, if you are not a guardian or on the child’s emergency card you will not be allowed to have lunch with that student.
Lunch Dismissal – Duty teachers will come to the cafeteria to pick up students for recess at the end of lunch. Students will remain seated until their class is released by a teacher.
Cafeteria Behavior and Expectations
- Level 2 – Speak to those only nearest to you.
- Raise your hand for the duty teacher.
- Eat your lunch.
- Stay in your seat until dismissed.
- Remain respectful.
Each student must have permission from his/her teacher in order to go to the restroom. During recesses or while in the cafeteria, students must get permission from the teacher on duty. Proper behavior is expected when using the restroom. Students need to help keep the restrooms clean.
Remembering to flush after using the toilets and washing hands after using the restroom is important for a healthy school environment. If there is not any toilet paper or soap in the bathroom, students should report this to their teachers. Teacher(s) will report this to the office.
Restroom Behavior and Expectations
-There should not be any conversation in the restrooms.
-Use the restroom, wash your hands, and return to class.
-Be respectful of the restroom's property and cleanliness.
-Walk safely with a partner student in your own space to and from the restroom.
School Nurse - The school nurse is scheduled to be at Chahta-lma daily. It is her responsibility to appraise and identify the health needs of students. The nurse has the authority to enforce school board policy regarding exclusion or readmission of students in connection with infectious or contagious sicknesses. Our school nurse can be contacted by calling the school.
First Aid - Students should report all injuries to a teacher or staff member. Injured students will be sent to, or brought to the office. No teacher or staff member can give medication to a student. In the case of illness or student injury, the school will contact the parents or a person designated by the parents. The parent or authorized person may be asked to come to the school to pick up the child.
Illness - The health and well-being of all students and school personnel are important; therefore, students will not be allowed to remain at school for the following reasons:
Fever of 100 degrees or above, vomiting, diarrhea, severe pain, or other conditions not conducive to learning. Please do not send your child to school until he/she is fever free for 24 hours.
Any infectious or contagious conditions such as head lice, impetigo, pink eye, ring worm, etc. may also require students to remain home until they are no longer contagious.
Medication - A student cannot administer medicine to himself/herself or bring medicine to school. Please DO NOT send medication to school with your child. The child's parent or guardian must bring all medication to the school's office and complete the required forms to have it administered at school. No medication may be administered without written permission from a doctor. Please contact the school office for the forms necessary if your child needs to receive medication during the school day.
Screenings - All children in kindergarten, first, and third grades receive a hearing and vision screening. A child being evaluated for Special Education services must have a current hearing and vision screening. Any student referred for a hearing or vision test by the classroom teacher will also be screened. If there is any indication of failure on a hearing/vision screening, notification will be given, and it is the parent/guardian's responsibility to follow up with a proper medical provider.
Field trips are used to instruct or enhance the students in a particular area of study. After the school makes the arrangements for the field trip, a letter will be sent to parents explaining the purpose of the visit, place of visit, cost of the trip per student, and the approximate time for leaving and returning to school.
The cost will cover admission to the visited facility and bus transportation. The students are chaperoned by teachers and sometimes family chaperones. Only CIE students from the classes going on the field trip are allowed; siblings or other children may not attend the field trip with assigned chaperones.
If chaperones are permitted on the field trip, all chaperones must check in at the office before leaving to get a chaperone sticker. Parents or chaperones are not allowed to check their children out with the teacher from the field trip site. If a parent or chaperone would like to check their child out after the field trip they must return to school to do so in the front office.
Only teachers and students may ride the bus; chaperones must provide their own transportation to/from the field trip.
When the field trip is to a facility in Lacombe, the students and chaperones often walk to the destination. A walking field trip permission form is sent home at the beginning of the year and covers any walking field trips from the school. For field trips outside of the Lacombe area, bus transportation is required.
We would like our chaperones to know that they will need to follow the guidelines that have been set for attending field trips, that support the safety and welfare of our students.
The following guidelines are as follows:
- Parents/guardians/chaperones do not have to sign in – inside of the front office.
- Parking and travel in the front parking lot is not allowed before 8:40 or after 2:45 due to bus drop off/pickups (in accordance to ACT 362 “Safe Path from School Act”).
- There cannot be parking in the “fire zone” where students are loaded/unloaded, and is also designated for emergency vehicles only.
- Only CIE students from the classes going on the field trip are allowed; siblings or other children may not attend the field trip with assigned chaperones. (Please refer to the CIE parent/student handbook)
- Parents or chaperones are not allowed to check their children out with the teacher from the field trip site. If a parent or chaperone would like to check their child out after the field trip they must return to school to do so in the front office. (Please refer to the CIE parent/student handbook)
- Only teachers and students may ride the bus; chaperones must provide their own transportation to/from the field trip. (Please refer to the CIE parent/student handbook)
- When the field trip is to a facility in Lacombe, the students and chaperones often walk to the destination. A walking field trip permission form is sent home at the beginning of the year and covers any walking field trips from the school. For field trips outside of the Lacombe area, bus transportation is required. (Please refer to the CIE parent/student handbook)
Being Involved in Your Child's Education Leads to Educational Success
Special School Events - Parents and guardians are encouraged to participate in school events such as
Open House, field trips, Title I Parent Family Events such as Family Learning Nights, Field Day, PTA/Title I General Meetings, student performances, and other planned Partnership Events. These events engage both students and families in learning and promote extended learning at home.Invitations announcing school events will be sent out to all parent families. Robo calls may also be made announcing these events.
Title I Parent Family Meetings - Monthly Title I/PTA Meetings are held throughout the school year. All parent/family members are encouraged to attend. Important Title I Parent Family Engagement and School Improvement Plan matters will be discussed at these meetings and the input of the parent/ families is needed and valued. Invitations announcing the meeting dates will be sent out to all parent/families. Robo calls may also be made announcing meeting dates/times.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) - Our Parent Teacher Association plans programs and activities to help support our school and meet the needs of our students. Parents, teachers, students, grandparents, community members, and all persons interested in the well-being of our children are encouraged to become a member of our Chahta-lma PTA. It is vital that parents and teachers work together to help students by setting goals and working to achieve these goals. PTA Meetings, in conjunction with Title I Meetings, are held each month. If you would like to volunteer or serve on the PTA committee, please contact the school at 985-882-7541 or a PTA officer. If you are unable to volunteer, we still encourage you to support the PTA by becoming a member. PTA Membership forms to join the PTA are sent home at the beginning of the school year.
Report Cards - Report cards are sent out on a quarterly basis. Remember to praise your child for doing his/her best. Offer encouragement and assistance when needed. If you feel that you need to discuss your child's report card with his/her teacher, please call for an appointment. Report cards are sent home in a report card envelope. Please sign and return this envelope to indicate that you have received/reviewed the report card. The report card does not need to be returned.
Student/FamiIy Learning/Communication Platforms - An important teacher learning/communication platform can be found in the Student Progress Center where teacher webpages are accessed, providing both valuable academic information and school/classroom communication. This can be accessed using student username/password (PSN) information provided by the school board.
Student Progress Center - The Student Progress Center is an electronic version of a student's "academic gradebook". This can be accessed using student username/password (PSN) information provided by the school board. Grades are recorded in this system in first through third grades and beginning in Kindergarten in the second quarter of school. Checking the Student Progress Center regularly is important, allowing for weekly academic progress monitoring and involvement in your child's education.
*** As per the STPSB Pupil Progression Plan
Promotion: Kindergarten
Students will be promoted from kindergarten to first grade. The criterion for promotion to first grade for kindergarten students is based on satisfactory progress at the end of the fourth grading period as reported on the St. Tammany Parish Kindergarten Student Evaluation Report. Students showing they have not mastered/need more time to master the standards on all available criteria will be referred to the School Building Level Committee (SBLC) to determine promotion or retention and will not need parent permission. Children who have not attended kindergarten must demonstrate satisfactory performance on a series of academic readiness tests, letters and sounds inventory, math assessment and Richard Gentry’s Spelling Assessment.
Promotion: Grade 1
If a student in first grade receives an “F” (Unsatisfactory/Not grasping stated standards) in reading or math as indicated on the fourth grading period, the School Building Level Committee (SBLC) shall review available data pertaining to the student’s reading or math proficiency to determine promotion or retention. The reading or math proficiency of the student shall be determined by using the informal teacher assessment portfolio which includes a collection of the following: DIBELS assessment results three times per year, writing sample, word recognition test, reading series assessments, math sample, spelling assessment, and any other pertinent information. A variety of assessments shall be included, i.e. portfolios, journals, written tests, projects, checklists, writing samples, interviews, observations and anecdotal records.
Promotion: Grade 2
In order to be promoted at the end of 2nd grade, a student shall pass the following: Reading and Math and Any two of these subjects: Language Arts, Science, and/or Social Studies
Promotion: Grade 3
Each LEA shall identify third grade students who have not met an acceptable level of performance that would enable them to successfully transition to the next grade level. Third grade students who have not met the acceptable level of performance may be retained or promoted, but in either case, shall be provided with an individual literacy plan that adheres to the following requirements:
● The school shall convene an in-person meeting with the student’s parent or legal custodian, all teachers of core academic subjects, and specialized support personnel, as needed, to review the student’s academic strengths and weaknesses relative to literacy, discuss any other relevant challenges, and formulate an individual academic improvement plan designed to assist the student in achieving proficiency in literacy. All participants shall sign the documented plan, using a template provided by the 7 department, and shall meet to review progress at least once more before the next administration of the LEAP assessment.
● The student shall be provided with focused literacy interventions and supports based on the science of reading designed to improve foundational literacy.
● The student shall be identified as requiring an academic improvement plan in the state Student Information System (SIS).
● The student shall be afforded the opportunity to receive on-grade level instruction and focused literacy interventions based on the science of reading during the summer.
● Each LEA shall adopt a written policy pertaining to the development of the individual student literacy plan. This policy shall be included in the Pupil Progression Plan of the lEA and could include the following specific student supports: daily targeted small-group interventions, before and after school literacy intervention provided by a teacher or tutor with specialized literacy training, and at-home literacy programs that include literacy workshops for the parents and legal guardians of students and web-based or parent guided home literacy activities.
● The Department may audit a random sampling of students identified as needing an individual academic improvement plan in each local education agency each year. The LDOE will provide to each LEA a roster of third grade students who have been identified for the purposes of this section. Such a roster will assist the LEA in making final determinations relative to students required individual academic plans.
● The decision to retain a student as a result of his/her failure to achieve the standard on the LEAP shall be made by the LEA in accordance with this pupil progression plan.
● The individual literacy plan shall continue to be in effect until such time as the student achieves a score of “Basic” in each of the core academic subjects that initially led to the development of the student’s individual plan.
In order to be promoted at the end of 3rd grade, a student shall pass the following: English Language Arts and Math and One of these subjects: Science or Social Studies
A 100-90
B 89-80
C 79-70
D 69-60
F 59-0
NOTE: Students with characteristics of dyslexia, who are served in a multisensory structured language program, follow the same criteria for promotion as all other students.
NOTE: Students shall have participated in the state mandated assessments, if enrolled at the time of the assessments.
NOTE: Pursuant to Bulletin 741, §1103.G, elementary students shall be in attendance a minimum of 60,120 minutes (equivalent to 167 six-hour days) a school year.
NOTE: Students who have failed a subject may enroll in summer school to remove a deficiency and be considered for promotion to the next grade. However, an elementary student may request to enroll in a class to strengthen knowledge and skills in which a need has been recognized. A student is allowed to enroll in only one course for a fee. The school system reserves the right to cancel any class in which there is insufficient student enrollment for a course. The summer school grade shall not replace the grade earned during the regular school year.
PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support)/Discipline Plan
The following are possible interventions that may be utilized as applicable for behavior offenses.
- Recess Reflection
- Parent/Teacher Conference
- Referral to School Counselor or Mental Health Provider (MHP)
- Referral to School Building Level Committee (SBLC)
- TRIBE Check-in/Check-out
- Complete a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
The Administration will complete a Louisiana Department of Education School Behavior Report for any major offense and reserves the right to adjust disciplinary action to fit the infraction at any time. Consequences as outlined in the St.Tammany Parish School Board Discipline and Attendance Handbook will be followed.
The purpose of the St. Tammany Parish School Board is to provide public education for the school aged children of St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. Sexual Harassment is a violation of the law and School Board policy and will not be tolerated, condoned, or overlooked. The Board requests and encourages persons associated with the School System who believe there are acts of harassment to be reported to the school principal or designee.
The Board through the school principal shall promptly, thoroughly, and fairly investigate reports of sexual harassment and take appropriate action that is consistent with the results of the investigation and legal requirements afforded by law. Inappropriate behavior will be handled according to the school’s discipline procedures. The School System and Board will not tolerate retaliation by anyone associated with the School System against one who files a complaint of sexual harassment. Some acts of sexual harassment are considered criminal and are subject to prosecution. The Board and School System will fully cooperate with law enforcement agencies and the District Attorney in investigating and prosecuting such criminal offenses.
As defined by Act 861 of 2012, bullying is a pattern of one or more of the following: Gestures, including but not limited to obscene gestures and making faces; Written, electronic, or verbal communications, including but not limited to calling names, threatening harm, taunting, malicious teasing, or spreading untrue rumors; Electronic communication including but is not limited to a communication or image transmitted by email, instant message, text message, blog, or social networking website through the use of a telephone, mobile phone, pager, computer, or other electronic device; Physical acts including but not limited to hitting, kicking, pushing, tripping, choking, damaging personal property, or unauthorized use of personal property; Repeatedly and purposefully shunning or excluding from activities; where the pattern of behavior is exhibited toward a student, more than once, by another student or group of students and occurs, or is received by a student while on school property, at a school-sponsored or school related function or activity, in any school bus or van, at any designated school bus stop, in any other school or private vehicle used to transport students to and from schools, or any school sponsored activity or event.
The pattern of behavior must have the effect of physically harming a student, placing the student in reasonable fear of physical harm, damaging a student's property, placing the student in reasonable fear of damage to the student's property, or must be sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive enough to either create an intimidating or threatening educational environment, have the effect of substantially interfering with a student's performance in school, or have the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
Personnel at all levels are responsible for taking corrective action to prevent bullying at any school sites or activities. Allegations of bullying will be promptly investigated, giving due regard to the need for confidentiality and the safety of the alleged victim and/or any individual(s) who report incident(s) of bullying. An individual has the right to report an incident(s) of bullying without fear of reprisal or retaliation at any time.
Retaliation is defined as meaning "to pay back (an injury) in kind." When a person is accused of having behaved in an inappropriate fashion, especially bullying, the common reaction of that person is to be angry and want to pay the "alleged victim" back (retaliate). Retaliation must not occur and will not be tolerated.
Proven allegations of bullying can have serious consequences for the person deemed guilty, including verbal or written reprimand, in-school or out-of-school suspension, disciplinary reassignment, and/or expulsion.
Victims of bullying have responsibilities. Victims should clearly tell the bullies to stop. If bullying persists, victims should not ignore the incident(s) but should report the incident immediately to someone at school. Students should tell their parent(s). If the bullying continues after telling the bullies to stop, students should make a written record of the incident including dates, times, witness or witnesses, and parties involved in the incident. The incident should be reported immediately to an adult who has authority over the bullies, for example, a teacher, guidance counselor, assistant principal, or principal. Victims should avoid being alone with the person(s) who attempted to bully them in the past. Victims of bullying who feel uncomfortable reporting this fact to adult personnel at school should contact another appropriate adult or friend who will report on their behalf.
To minimize the risk of being accused of bullying, students should keep their hands to themselves, remember that no one has the right to harm another person in any way, think before speaking, immediately apologize for accidentally saying or doing anything that has made another person feel oppressed, and report all incidents of bullying behavior they have witnessed to appropriate school personnel. Students should not touch anyone without his or her permission. Students should not interact with a person after that person has perceived their behavior toward them as "inappropriate" and has clearly told them to "stop". Nor should they make remarks that may cause another person to feel "oppressed" (stressful, scared, intimidated).
Parents are welcome to celebrate birthdays with their child at school as long as it does not interfere with instructional time. Parents are welcome to bring store bought treats to share with the class and sing Happy Birthday. These celebrations are expected to last 10 to 15 minutes. Only parents/guardians are allowed to celebrate birthdays with their child; no other guests are permitted.
Parents and family and community members are invited and encouraged to offer their services as Chahta-Ima volunteers. Volunteers provide valuable services to our students and faculty in areas such as assisting teachers in preparing instructional materials, tutoring, assisting with classroom functions and field trips, helping with fund raising events, assisting with reception and clerical tasks in the office, and working with the PTA. If you are interested in volunteering in any way, please contact your child’s teacher and/or the office staff.
For the safety of our students, we require that all visitors report immediately to the office when arriving at school. All visitors must sign the logbook, present a valid state issued license or identification card, and receive a visitor’s pass. Before leaving, all visitors must sign out in the office. These rules must be followed for the safety of our students. All volunteers must also sign a Confidentiality Form before beginning the volunteer process.
Students will receive art instruction once a week from the itinerant art teacher during their scheduled class times. For questions about our art program, please contact our art teacher.
The counseling program at Chahta-lma is dedicated to promoting the social, physical, emotional, and academic abilities of each and every student. In doing so, efforts are made to guide all students into becoming well-rounded individuals equipped to make healthy decisions and wise choices, enabling them to cope with situations in the ever-changing society in which they live. The counseling department encourages programs of support, prevention, and remediation by actively providing small group and individual counseling sessions, as well as serving as a resource for our teachers and parents. If you feel your child is in need of counseling services, please contact your child's teacher. If you have any questions about our counseling program, please contact our guidance counselor.
Students will also have use of the library facilities during the time period(s) scheduled for their class to visit the library each week. It is the role of the librarian to help develop a passion for literacy among students. Successful readers are successful students! The librarian will make students aware of the library's literature collection, promote student reading, teach students how to find and use library materials, and work with the classroom teachers in correlating classroom activities, using library resources. Students are expected to help maintain a quiet atmosphere in the library. Students are also encouraged to treat library books as their "friends". When applicable, lost or damaged library books and delinquent fees must be paid before the student is allowed to check out future library books. For questions about our library program, please contact our librarian.
Students receive a minimum of 30 minutes of music instruction each week with the itinerant music teacher. The music program is designed to help each student develop his/her musical ability to the utmost, provide an outlet for creativity and self-expression, be introduced to various cultures, and to give a source of enjoyment and achievement which will be continued throughout life. For questions about our music program, please contact our music teacher.
Physical Education (PE)
Physical Education concentrates on an individual's maximum potential and his/her related social, emotional, and intellectual growth. We strive to promote the health, vitality, and total education of the student. The development and maintenance of optimal health, fitness, and physical maturity of the student is emphasized, along with an understanding and development of sportsmanship. Students have scheduled times twice weekly for PE instruction with the PE teacher. Students are required to wear proper athletic/tennis shoes on PE instructional days to ensure safety and optimal performance. For questions about our PE program, please contact our PE teacher.
Early Childhood (LA4)
The purpose of this program is to offer early childhood learning experiences for at risk children. To be enrolled in the preschool program, children must be 4 years old before October 1st of that school year and meet other specified criteria. The preschool program is designed to help children develop emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially with emphasis on language and social skills. Another important purpose of the program is to help parents be actively involved in their child's learning and to enhance parenting skills.
Suzuki String Classes (Violin)
A string program adapting the methods of Shinichi Suzuki is offered to students at Chahta-lma. To participate, students must have their own violin, and a parent/designee must attend the child's one group session each week. Lessons are free of charge. Interested parents should contact the office for further information.
School Building Level Committee (SBLC) and Special Education Services
If parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have any concerns relating to their child's academic performance, they should first discuss their concerns with the child's teacher. A teacher may also contact parent(s)/legal guardian(s) indicating academic/behavior concerns. When a child is having difficulty functioning in a regular education classroom setting, he/she may be referred to School Building Level Committee. (SBLC). SBLC will meet with the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) to initiate an intervention plan. More SBLC meetings will take place, reviewing the effectiveness/results of the interventions. The team may decide the child needs to be evaluated through the Pupil Appraisal Department. If the evaluation reveals that the student has an exceptionality, he/she could possibly qualify for special education services.
Services provided on our campus include: 504 Plan, speech and language therapy, preschool early intervention, co-teaching classroom setting, resource and inclusion, managing alternative education, gifted enrichment, occupational therapy, and adaptive physical education. For more information about special education services, please contact the SBLC Chairperson or your child's teacher.
The St. Tammany Parish School Board policy on smoking is as follows: “The St. Tammany Parish School System prohibits smoking by faculty, staff, students, employees, or visitors in all buildings, centers, offices, vehicles, schools, or other property under the jurisdiction of this board during the work day.”
The counseling/MHP program at Chahta-Ima is dedicated to promoting the social, emotional, and academic abilities of each and every student. In so doing, efforts are made to guide all students into becoming well-rounded individuals equipped to make healthy decisions and wise choices, enabling them to cope with situations in the ever-changing society in which they live. The counseling department encourages programs of support, prevention, and remediation by actively providing small groups and individual counseling sessions, as well as serving as a resource for our teachers and parents.
The counseling/MHP program at Chahta-Ima is dedicated to promoting the social, emotional, and academic abilities of each and every student. In so doing, efforts are made to guide all students into becoming well-rounded individuals equipped to make healthy decisions and wise choices, enabling them to cope with situations in the 18 ever-changing society in which they live. The counseling department encourages programs of support, prevention, and remediation by actively providing small groups and individual counseling sessions, as well as serving as a resource for our teachers and parents.
Students in grades K - 3 are required to receive a minimum of 150 minutes of music instruction each week. A portion of that time will be taught directly by the music teacher. The purposes of the music program are: 1. to help each student develop his/her musical ability to the utmost 2. to provide an outlet for creativity and self-expression 3. to be introduced to various cultures 4. to give a source of enjoyment and achievement, which will be continued throughout life
Students in grades K-3 are required to receive a minimum of 150 minutes of physical education instruction each week. Physical Education concentrates on an individual’s maximum potential and his/her related social, emotional, and intellectual growth. We strive to promote the health, vitality, and total education of the student. The development and maintenance of optimal health, fitness, and physical maturity of the student is emphasized, along with an understanding and development of sportsmanship. A portion of the time will be taught directly by the PE teacher, twice weekly.
The purpose of this program is to offer early intervention for high-risk children. To be considered for the LA-4 Early Childhood Program, children must be 4 years old before October 1st of that school year and must meet the eligibility requirements. The Pre-K Program is designed to help children develop emotionally, intellectually, physically and socially with emphasis on language and social skills. Another strong purpose of the program is to have parents actively involved in their child’s learning and to enhance their parenting skills. This program also includes students who are in the 3-6 year old age range and have been identified through Child Search or Pupil Appraisal as having special needs.
Students experiencing speech or language problems, which interfere with his/her ability to work in the classroom, may be referred by the teacher or parents to SBLC. The SBLC process will be utilized to determine if an evaluation is warranted through the Pupil Appraisal Department. The evaluation process will determine if a student would qualify for speech services.
A string program adapting the methods of Shinichi Suzuki is offered to students at Chahta-Ima. To participate, students must have their own violin, and a parent/designee must attend the child’s one group session each week. Lessons are free of charge. Interested parents should contact the office for further information.
Please read the Family/Student Handbook and the St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records for more complete information concerning policies and procedures especially those concerning Civil Rights and Sexual Harassment.